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(1 edit)
  1. Yukon is hard to avoid.
  2. I want to choke the Default Dancer to death.
  3. Playing this just to find the Principal of the Thing in it. (Edit: I found him!)

Yukons basic is like baldi but in the 1980s

No making a Baldi's basics fanfare in the halls

No making a baldi's basics fangame in the halls.

(1 edit)

lol scroll


C L O N E  R I G G Y

this game suck

it is meant to be like that


The first Baldi fangame and mod. The world is overfilled, OVERFILLED with those now.

Principal: no making baldi's basics fan game in the halls

The graphics, models (in 2D), shaders and it looks good overall. But it doesn't play nice, it doesn't even feel like a 3D game maker walking simulator just frames changing. And fortnite references in there, eeeeeehhh. I fully understand this game is a meme and is meant to be a Baldi parody, but still it has potential.


I think fun





this truly is a <videogame>

(1 edit) (+1)

what is this


a bideogame


What did I do to deserve this

(1 edit) (+1)
